This morning at the gym we chatted about how to get rid of urinary tract infections naturally. One of the reasons why I love teaching fitness on Monday mornings is because after class, we talk about EVERYTHING!
Brazilian butt lifts, the latest diet trend, eliminating cellulite….
Just name it and I can bet we’re talking about it.
This morning, treating urinary tract infections naturally came up.
Unfortunately, so many women suffer from chronic urinary tract infections.
If you are tired of trips to the doctor for antibiotics, maybe it’s time to investigate the root cause. Ask yourself, what causes chronic urinary tract infections in the first place?
Are you familiar with the medical condition termed ‘Honeymoon Cystitis’?
If not, let me give you a brief introduction.
Cystitis refers to inflammation of the bladder and is usually caused by a bacterial infection. Women are prone to cystitis after vaginal intercourse due to their anatomy.
Simply put, their urethra is much shorter than men. And bacteria have a shorter distance to travel.
Back in the day, women commonly presented with cystitis following their honeymoon.
Up until that point, they were likely virgins. This is how the term ‘Honeymoon Cystitis’ came to be. Women were left searching for symptom relief following their honeymoon, while their husbands went off to work.
Today in modern day society, cystitis is on the rise.
In fact, cystitis is one of the most widespread medical conditions.
Let’s just say that women of the 21st century seem to always be on some kind of “honeymoon”.
Common Symptoms of Honeymoon Cystitis
- Burning and/or pain on urination
- Urgent and/or frequent urination
- Pain during intercourse
- Cloudy, bloody, and/or discoloured urine
- Foul smelling urine
- Pain and/or discomfort above the pubic bone
To help get ride of urinary tract infections naturally, consider taking a daily probiotic, specifically made for women:
If you are currently taking antibiotics or have been on them in the past, you have likely killed off important ‘friendly’ bacteria and caused an imbalance of flora in your gut and urinary tract.
Many women aren’t aware that frequent antibiotic use can make their problem worse.
The reason is that an imbalance of ‘friendly’ flora creates an ideal environment for ‘pathogenic’ or harmful bacteria, enabling them to thrive.
Here are 5 Naturopathic Tips for Chronic Urinary Tract Infections:
1 – You may want to consider vaginal probiotics that can be inserted into the vagina.
Although a bit messy, probiotics can be effective at reducing urinary tract infections naturally.
Don’t worry. Any loose-fitting organic cotton underwear will be new again once you wash it.
2 – Practice good hygiene following intercourse.
Ensure proper lubrication, urinate after intercourse, and be careful not to transfer bacteria from the anus to the vagina (always wipe from front to back).
3 – Consider a kidney detox.
This will help flush bacteria from your urinary tract and keep your urinary system healthy.
Drink as much water as you can while taking the herbs. Also avoid beverages such as coffee, tea, and pop. These beverages are not bladder friendly.
Also, if you’re drinking cranberry juice to help flush your system, please read the ingredient list to ensure it is a natural source with absolutely NO added sugar.
4 – Take the right supplements to support a healthy immune system.
Most herbs that support the immune system should not be taken for long periods of time. Consider immune-supportive supplements like zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and garlic.
Your Naturopathic Doctor will be able to make more specific recommendations based on your individual needs.
5 – Eat nutrient-dense foods and avoid sugar.
I recommend eating nutritious foods. I also suggest avoiding sugar, which is bacterias favorite food.
Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates since starches and sugars aren’t good for the immune system. They also feed Candida yeast.
Ruling out sexually transmitted diseases or other conditions is important, so communicate with your medical doctor openly about your symptoms and get proper testing if your symptoms persist.
Regardless of what others may be telling you, it isn’t healthy to be on antibiotics constantly.
So, keep your immune system strong with restful sleep, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and the right supplements.
I teach my patients how to address the root cause of chronic urinary tract infections, which is a better approach than just suppressing symptoms.
Happy Cleansing!
Colin Ferguson
atHi Sara
Wonder if you could tell me correct supplements for persistent urinary tract trachomatis. I am currently taking reishi and ginseng. Isn’t it bad to take these long term, should I add vit c, zinc, vit d3?
Dr.Sara Celik
atHi Colin,
Thank you for your great question. It’s important to speak to your medical doctor and treat infections with medication (partners need to be treated as well). If you’re looking for additional natural immune support, you may want to explore probiotics, with specific strains for the urinary tract, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus. Speak to your ND about dosage.