Parents are always looking for ways to keep their little ones healthy, so this week I decided to write about child immunity and cold/flu prevention.
Consider this.
Children can’t take herbs and are reluctant to change their diet.
Kids generally eat lots of sugary treats and nutrient depleted foods.
That’s why I’ve decided to share a few easy ways to keep your kids healthy this holiday season.
Here’s a question that I’m asked a lot.
Q: My child is frequently home from school due to illness. What can I do to boost their immunity?
Children are exposed to all sorts of bad bugs at school, so it’s important for them to have a strong immune system.
Reducing sugar in a child’s diet can be challenging; however, it’s necessary.
Overconsumption of refined sugars can lead to dysbiosis in the digestive tract.
Dysbiosis has been shown to have an impact on the immune system.
The overuse of antibiotics, cough syrups, and other medications may also affect the microbial balance in the gut.
Since 70 percent of the immune system cells reside in the gut, a healthy digestive system is needed to protect children from bad bugs that they’re commonly exposed to.
Although there are many ways to boost immunity, such as proper nutrition and supplementation with vitamins C and D, probiotics are the most effective way to address dysbiosis.
Probiotics help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.
With so many to choose from, kids probiotics range in potency from 1 billion to 10 billion.
Kids’ probiotics are like a multivitamin for the gut.
They can strengthen a child’s own defences and keep them healthy throughout the school year.
Marketed for children as chewable tablets, parents are left with a difficult task.
How to hide these tasty chewables in the fridge?
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