Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men worldwide. Rather than reaching for a blue pill, why not treat the root cause?
The root cause of erectile dysfunction may be poor cardiovascular health.
High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity can all reduce blood flow to the penis.
Maybe it’s time to choose salad over chicken wings gentlemen?
Researchers found that erectile dysfunction in younger men may be an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease.
Since poor lifestyle increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, let’s review what to eat and which supplements to take to ensure healthy blood flow all around.
Heart Healthy Diet:
- Increase fibre-rich foods and aim to consume 30-40 grams of dietary fibre per day.
- Oats, quinoa, millet, peas, squash, figs, and apples are some examples of soluble fibre which help lower cholesterol.
Food to Eat More Of:
- Millet
- Quinoa
- Barley
- Oats
- Prunes
- Unpeeled Apples
- Broccoli
- Dark Leafy Green Vegetables
- Peas
- Lentils
- Raw and Unsalted Walnuts/Pumpkin Seeds/Sunflower Seeds
- Fresh Berries
- Fresh Figs
- Pears
Foods to Eat Less Of:
- High Saturated Fats found in Meats and Cheeses
- Trans Fats
- Canned/Instant Soups
- Cold Cuts/Hot Dogs/Hamburgers
- Ham
- Salted Crackers
- Dill Pickles
- Sauerkraut
- Ketchup
- Dairy
- Lard
- Sugary Treats
- Refined Cereals
- White Bread
- Fried Foods
- Coffee (with cream and sugar)
- Soft Drinks
- Alcohol
*The lists above are just partial lists.
Key Supplement to Take (as directed by your ND)
Adequate intake of omega-3 fish oils is essential for cardiovascular health and can help with erectile dysfunction.
Here’s what I recommend to my patients.
1000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day from wild and unthreatened fish.
I only recommend fish oils which have a 5-star IFOS rating
IFOS stands for the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS) program and carries the strictest standards in the world.
It is the only true third party testing program for omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils.
Kyolic is another great supplement.
It is naturally aged and is one of the most researched cardiovascular supplements in the world. It is Health Canada approved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Kyolic is aged for 20 months and contains the beneficial compound S-Allyl Cysteine (SAC).
SAC is responsible for cholesterol lowering effects.
I’m a fan of evidence based medicine and there are over 7000 research papers on fish oils and over 650 on aged garlic.
If you’re concerned about maintaining an erection, start hitting the gym regularly, reduce your stress levels, and follow a heart healthy diet.
“Poor cardiovascular health is arguably the number one reason men get erectile dysfunction” says Mark Moyad, M.D., of the University of Michigan Medical Center.
Speak to a healthcare professional and take good care of your heart.
I think I’ve given you some good reasons to choose oats over bacon.
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