Your doctor is your partner, not your superior. A good doctor doesn’t just listen to their patients. A good doctor hears them.
Dr. Sara Celik, ND
Are you ready to work with a Naturopathic Doctor who has 15 years of clinical experience?
Do you want a Naturopathic Doctor who takes the time to listen to you and answer your questions?
Then you’re in the right place.
Let me introduce you to personalized healthcare.
It’s healthcare that treats you as a whole person, not just a patient.
Personalized healthcare complements conventional medicine.
Rather than treating the disease or the symptom using a band aid approach, personalized healthcare is about:
- Understanding your personal health challenges and health concerns.
- Giving the doctor and you (the patient) enough time to complete a detailed health assessment.
- Understanding your future health goals. How will you feel 1 month, 1 year, or 5 years from today?
- Treating the root cause (not just your symptoms) so results are longer lasting.
- Empowering and supporting you along the way.
Your initial consultation (60 minutes) will start with this question … “tell me your story”
Dr. Sara, Serving Ontario Patients via Telemedicine
My Clinical Focus is on Women’s Health & Fertility.
- WOMEN’S HEALTH – Are you struggling with hormonal imbalance, fatigue, weight gain, depressed mood, anxiety, insomnia, thyroid issues, or peri-menopause?
- FERTILITY HEALTH – Are you trying to conceive either naturally or through IVF/IUI? Do you have a history of miscarriage and want to stay pregnant next time you get a positive pregnancy test?
As a Naturopathic Doctor, I combine modern science with the wisdom of Mother Nature.
Dr. Sara, Serving Patients in Ontario

Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a customized or personalized treatment plan?
While patients often share similar health concerns, they almost never share the same treatment plan.
A detailed intake to assess current health status and health goals is done during the initial 60 minute consultation.
Treatment plans are developed based on your assessment and results from recent lab work (Functional Medicine Testing).
Medical history, family history, and lifestyle are discussed during the initial consultation.
Do I have to take supplements?
Most likely, yes. In short, supplements help maximize results.
Firstly, all supplements are carefully selected and monitored as part of your treatment plan.
Secondly, I do not over-prescribe. Only necessary supplements are recommended.
I want to do the IgG food sensitivity test through Lifelabs in Ontario. How do I get a requisition form for this blood test?
It’s great that you want to get tested.
This test is only available to patients, so you will need to book a consultation in order to receive a requisition form for this test.
I need a quick-fix. Can the Naturopath help?
If you are looking for a quick-fix and are not willing to invest in your health, I am probably not the right Naturopathic Doctor for you.
While many patients feel better within weeks, I do not subscribe to the quick-fix approach.
Dr. Sara, Serving Ontario Patients Virtually
Are lab tests ordered by the Naturopathic Doctor covered under OHIP or insurance?
Lab tests ordered through an Ontario Naturopath are not covered under OHIP. However, the good news is that lab tests may be covered under extended health insurance.
Lab tests are important, particularly during the initial assessment stage. The information that we gather from lab tests helps point us in the right direction.
In addition, lab results often uncover underlying health issues that are not apparent otherwise.
Routine lab work performed yearly by your Family Doctor may not flag health problems early enough.
For example, standard thyroid tests may miss early signs of thyroid dysfunction. If I suspect a thyroid issue, I send patients for a thorough thyroid panel that evaluates more than just basic markers like TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone).
In short, I offer more thorough functional medicine testing to assess the root cause of your concerns and prevention is an important element of my Naturopathic Medicine practice.
Is Naturopathic Medicine the same as Functional Medicine?
Yes. Naturopathic Doctors use the same lab tests, nutrition protocols, and supplements as Functional Medicine Doctors.
In addition, we treat the root cause and share the same principles as Functional Medicine Doctors.
I have a Family Doctor (MD). Do I really need a Naturopathic Doctor (ND)?
Naturopathic Doctors do not replace the need for a medical doctor. In fact, most patients that see a Naturopathic Doctor regularly see their Medical Doctor. For instance, a Family Doctor is recommended for physical exams, routine blood work, vaccinations, and managing medications.
As a Naturopathic Doctor, our focus is on lifestyle medicine, nutrition, and natural treatments. Our goal is to keep you healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically.
While both MDs and NDs have “Dr” in front of their name, MDs and NDs practice differently and offer patients different services.
There is a clear need for both reactive and proactive healthcare in today’s world.
I believe MDs and NDs need to work together. The goal is to provide the best healthcare possible for YOU – the patient.
Where is the clinic located?
The clinic is located in Toronto near Avenue and Davenport but I offer telemedicine and virtual consultations to those living outside of Toronto. As long as you live in Ontario, you can become a patient.
For in person visits, the clinic is walking distance to Whole Foods in Toronto (Yorkville) and the address is 195 Avenue Road.
How do I book an appointment?
Virtual visits are available to Ontario residents and can be booked here. Depending on your preference, you may book a telephone or video consultation.
The initial visit is 60 minutes and follow up visits are 30 minutes.
Virtual Naturopathic Healthcare is similar to in-office care. Patients will not miss out on anything by booking a virtual appointment and will receive the same high standard of care.
New patients in Ontario interested in working together, please follow this link to book a virtual appointment.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?